Wellbeing 120 Leader Vacancy

We have an exciting opportunity to be part of a dynamic team here at Immanuel Southbourne.

Wellbeing 120 is a safe, shared space where those who are struggling with their emotional and mental health can come and find connection and community. It’s a place where
all can feel included, and welcomed.

Wellbeing 120 Leader

We are looking for a Wellbeing 120 Co-Ordinator to oversee and promote our Wellbeing 120 group that will meet on Tuesday mornings.

This vacancy requires a Christian applicant as the work is part of a Christian Charity and the person appointed will be required to give Christian spiritual leadership.

A CV with application letter must be received by 1 March.

Previous applicants need not reapply.

Please send applications to the Church Office (office@immanuelsouthbourne.org) mentioning the position you are applying for.

Applications now closed.


Introducing our new Memory Lane Leader


Immanuel Youth Christmas Party